Pay attention to the immediate things that show up in your life—they are fantastic proof of your ability to fly.
A good example is my friend, Lisa, a struggling writer who has been bending over backwards with positive thoughts and manifestation techniques, trying to create success. No matter how hard she tries, her results are minimal views and responses. Lisa is the eternal optimist, always seeing the silver lining and never giving negativity a second glance.
This morning, Lisa got into an all-out argument with a "Karen" online. This surprised her because she rarely goes on social media and never "lowers" herself to argue with the bottom-feeders. She usually doesn’t even attract—much less interact—with those types of posts. But the minute she was done with the argument, she went to check her email and, to her delightful surprise, she had seven publishing offers!
As she and I discussed this wonderful manifestation, she couldn’t understand how the argument could’ve helped manifest this. Arguing is negative, right? That goes against everything we’re taught about "how to manifest." Doesn’t like attract like? So, I asked her, "Honestly, how did it feel to put that Karen in her place? Honestly." After some squirming, she finally admitted it felt good. Bingo.
This is what I’m coming to understand more and more: LIVE, for crying out loud. Just live life! Stop trying to explain it, analyze it, pin it down to cause and effect, manipulate it, control it, or make it fit into some perfect little box with a pretty bow on top.
How’s that working out for you, anyway?
The key here is confidence and enjoyment. Think of it like taking a big, deep breath. Go ahead, stop reading for a moment, fill your lungs, and then let it out. Do it again—go for it. I’ll wait.
Doesn’t that feel good? Can’t you feel some inner chains breaking away, even if only for a moment?
Earlier, I said, "Pay attention to the immediate things…" That’s because all around us is true magic disguised as everyday normality, just asking to be seen. It’s everywhere—not because you did some ceremonial manipulation of your emotions, beliefs, or reality, but because you let the f*ck go. Finally. Just like Lisa’s impulse to check her email after her argument, only to discover immediate delight.
When you play in the "immediate," all those so-called laws and universal rules for attraction or manifestation don’t hold up. And, lo and behold, your shackles fall away.
One of my most common go-tos is, "What did you do to raise the sun this morning?" That’s the "everyday magic disguised as normality" I was talking about. You do it every day, all day, no matter your mood, thoughts, or beliefs—effortlessly. Your bed, your house, those windows and what’s outside them, your job, your car, and on and on. It has nothing to do with "this is good and this is bad"; it’s about the fact that you just pulled a rabbit out of a hat without uttering the slightest "Alakazam!"
You’ve been white-knuckling the "positive only" edge you’ve been hanging off for so long—too scared to let go because you’re afraid you’ll fall. Hell yes, you’ll fall! But, babe, you’ll only fall away from all the b.s., instead of clinging to it out of desperation (which, if you’ve noticed, has only brought you more of the same).
Go ahead, take another one of those big breaths. And the next time you feel fear around any aspect of your life—take a breath, let go, and fly, baby, FLY!
