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You Are Fine.

Writer: Kristen MF ClarkKristen MF Clark

I came across The Secret back in the ‘90’s and, in that very instant, something in me woke up and I haven’t been the same since. There is an innate aspect of us that knows we are so much more than what we see - and when that subject comes up, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t become like a kid in a candy story.

The belief in magic and miracles has been around for thousands of years and is deeply rooted in human history, spanning cultures and civilizations across the globe. But for a civilization that has overcome, solved, and conquered just about every challenge put before us - the enigma of real magic and manifesting seems to be always just out of our reach.

Perhaps we just need a wider lens.

Consider this:

As long as we are playing the “I’m not doing this right, yet.” manifestation game - that is exactly what shows up (manifests). As long as we keep “looking for what is missing” - we will instantly manifest that reality.

See, you are not “trying to” manifest. Because - to say that is to believe that if you focus on what you want and align your actions and mindset with those desires, you believe that you can attract and create that desired outcome in life.

Well, my question is, how’s that working out for you? This is always a tough question because its outcome is set up by why you’re asking it. Are you asking it to show just how amazing you’re doing or are you setting it up from wanting to prove that what you’re doing just isn’t working?

And that, my friend, is the whole basis behind this blog.

See, the Manifestation Game is either lost or won by your mindset going into it. If you’re going to a seminar to “learn how”, that is a vastly different state than the professional’s. You could say that it is a vastly different world/reality than the professionals.

When it comes to the art of creation - my love, you’re doing just fine. What exactly did you do to “manifest” this blog? Was there a ceremony or a meditation? Or did you just stumble across it?

What “manifestation method” did you use to raise the sun this morning?

What did you do to manifest the kitchen in your home? If I was to ask you how big your kitchen is, where the refrigerator is, and if there is a window - you could answer immediately.

There’s the “manifester”. There’s You.

You are a being of automatic, instant creations. And the paradox to that is that your creator self will always be one step ahead of everything you’re doing and every thought you’re thinking.

If I asked you to walk around your home and look at all the objects you have (TV, shoes, coffee mug, cell phone, couch, etc.) - you could recall a time you wanted them and now you have them. And from that state you could say you manifested them. (That’s a fun game, by the way.)

But what if each item you come across wasn’t there a split second before you came across it?

Can you see what is behind you as you read this blog? Without turning around, can you tell me what is behind you? What if there is nothing behind you but a void awaiting your command of what it is? And as you turn to look - poof, exactly what you “thought” was there is now there.

As you sit in your room - you assume the bathroom is “over there” and that it looks exactly as you are imagining it. After all, it is your bathroom and you’ve used it hundreds of times. (FYI, “your” is italicized because that’s the real secret. 🤫) You know the color of the towels, what side of the room the toilet is on, and if there is a shower or not.

But, my friend, there is no bathroom. There is simply a blank void and you are “manifesting” this bathroom and all the convincing memories that come with it to support a state.

How many things in your life are you instantly manifesting to give the illusion of continuity? Your car, the rug under your feet, the trees (or none) outside your window, memories, beliefs, family, friends, etc? And you are doing all this “manifesting” without the slightest effort, without the slightest ceremony. My friend, you are “manifesting” a whole flipping world (and its universe) with a mere thought. And you’re worried about manifesting money?

This is just a small touch on the enormity of you. And a glimpse into a much bigger world available to you beyond the simple game of “I’m not magical.” Oh. Yes. You. Are.

You are so extraordinarily magical that it feels normal and you call it mundane. It is breathing. It is blinking. It is beyond innate.

It is You.




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