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What I Learned By Dying

Writer: Kristen MF ClarkKristen MF Clark

I recently did a podcast on the three NDE’s I’ve experienced and what I’ve learned about existence. Bottom line, I can only be what YOU see, what you’ve chosen for me. And vice versa.

Success, failure, old, young, ageless, magical, ordinary, stunning, chunky, slender, far away, next door, related, acquaintance, smart, dumb, omniscient, human, dead, alive - I can only be what you choose to see, accept, assume, and be available for.

Nothing happens to you.

You create. You accept. You experience.

You create. You accept. You experience.

We get to play in what some call a simulation or a hologram. If it needs a label - those will do. But it is nothing quite so fake. This existence is as real as we feel, see, smell, hear, and taste it. But we choose the actors, we give them roles (moment by moment), and then we play our own roles accordingly.

Our roles shift constantly. Sometimes we play confident and bold, and sometimes scared and unsure. Sometimes we play young and sometimes older. Sometimes thin and sometimes heavy. Sometimes we play with death (ran over a squirrel, have a memory that I sat by grandma’s death bed, heard about someone dying of cancer) and sometimes we only play with the vibrancy of life.

The actors (yes, death is an actor) will always play the roles you give them. They will always stand on stage where you place them, they will say their lines as you’ve chosen, and they will exit the stage at the appropriate time.

The difference between “you” and “me” is you are an actor within my play and I am an actor within yours. And when you are done interacting with me - you shift your attention elsewhere and I wink out of existence until you are ready to interact with me again.

You may assume I am off living my life where you can’t see or observe it - but without your life-giving attention and interaction I simply stop existing. For the time being.

The same goes for all you interact with. Be it death, imagination, air, a family member, the law of attraction, your home, your car, your memories, people, places, objects, etc. There is nothing in your reality that works or exists outside of your influence. Including the experience that it all does. Including the experience that you are an ant being batted around by fate. Including the experience that you have no idea how all this works and that all this is just a fascinating theory.

Move in closer. What do you see? How close can you go? Is there a limit? Closer. Closer. Molecules, atoms, subatomic parts, energy…at some point I disappear and all that’s left is You.




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