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Writer: Kristen MF ClarkKristen MF Clark

As we skip along this path called life - we come across gold nuggets at every turn. It very much behooves you to pick up these treasures and allow them to enrich your life in whatever way that is arising. Some treasures are “picked up” simply by stopping and observing (shooting star, deer crossing the road, a baby laughing), others come to us via another person (reading a blog, a sentence said at a seminar, a hug that fills your soul, music, delicious cooking), and, of course, there are those surprise physical treasures (money on the ground, a surprise check in the mail, that phone call that answers all your prayers, a stunning scenery that just stops you in awe), as well.

When you choose to observe the magic, treasures, and miracles that come to you constantly - you can easily get overwhelmed. How awesome!

Today’s treasures are in this blog. Little “isms” that just spark an “a-ha!” within. My favorite are the ones that actually glitch the brain for a moment because your very being is suddenly whooshing out in a colossal expansion. My goal is that every one of my blogs, or even just a sentence within, does this as much for you as it does for me.


“A powerful, strong, and positive mindset is the cornerstone to any successful relationship. Whether this is a relationship with yourself, a loved one, your government, your favorite grocery store, or just life in general - it is essential to expect and intend that you are at peace with your world.”

As the Operant Power of my reality - what kind of relationship am I stating that I am having with LIFE? One of struggle, confusion, worrisome, doubt, etc? Would I stay in a relationship with a person that was like that? Of course not!

So, isn’t it so awesome that my relationship with Life is wonderful, abundant, happy, exciting, fun, easy, delightful, surprising, and I constantly feel adored and blessed? (Say that a couple more times if you like.)

"Believe it, visualize it, achieve it. A strong mindset is the bridge between your dreams and reality."

Nothing in this life can stand up to a sure, positive mindset. You know the sun will rise at 6:02am and it does. You know there is milk in your refrigerator, you open the door, and there it is. You state loudly (or are told absolutely) that you have a nut allergy, and guess what happens? Is there a difference between these kind of solid knowings and hope or dreaming? Of course.

If you hope there is milk in the fridge - you now shift to a reality of double-minded. Where both “it’s there” and “it’s not there” exist and you will receive which ever one you are giving slightly more energy too. The funny thing is (here comes those dang paradoxes) the more you try to control where you give energy - the more you are stating, “I don’t have absolute surety here.” and that is what arises. MOST of the time. But because magic never follows rules (or laws!), anything can happen.

“Magic doesn’t have to make sense. Magic doesn’t follow rules.”

When someone is asking, “how?” the answer, “It’s magic!” permits secrecy and mystery. It invites a part of us that allows enigmas to exist. And when we try to answer or make sense of magic - we usually get caught up in a swirling whirlpool of paradoxes and contradictions. How does the earth orbit the sun at just the absolute perfect distance to allow life to exist millennia after millennia (when no other planet does)? If there is no such thing as air atoms and water atoms - how do the same atoms come together to create such vastly different things? How do we explain the unexplainable? Why can’t we pin down Law of Attraction/Assumption (or any others) with absolute certainty?

For me, the easiest way to play with magic is with child-like whimsy. That allowance of mystery gives way to a beautiful relationship with magic. It tells magic, “You be you, in all your enigmatic glory.” And the funny thing that happens when we make peace with all our life relationships (including resistence) - magic arises bigger, better, and with stunning ease. And so does the version of you that created it to begin with.

Thank you for coming out and playing with me and my “isms”. Let me know what arose for you and here is a little God-hint, before you go;

YOU determine what is “magic” and what is natural and normal.


AI generated “magical forest”. (AI is yet another source of magic, for me. I love playing with this exciting new ability.)



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