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This Too Shall Pass

Writer: Kristen MF ClarkKristen MF Clark

Most people fret about losing this state or that state. They get caught up in what’s not present anymore. That which comes and goes is not real; quit chasing it. It doesn’t matter. What haven’t you lost? What always is? What is there within bliss and misery that is always the same? Who you are is always present and always the same. That which doesn’t come and go is real. That is where freedom is found.

It doesn’t matter how profound a vision is or how wonderful the kriyas, the kundalini, or the bliss. No matter how beautiful the spiritual experience is, it is only an experience – and experiences come and go. If it doesn’t come and go, that means that it is present NOW. Ask yourself “what was present then that is still present now?” Then you know where to put all of your attention, all of your dedication and all of your heart.

YOU are that permanence which contains all becoming and be-goings.” ~Adyashanti

The very essence of life is about the comings and goings of all conditions around you. Seasons, weather, people, age, appearances, emotions, beliefs, experiences, feelings, and on and on. I challenge you to try to find anything in your life that doesn’t come in, interact with you on one level or another, and  eventually go.

But there is ONE thing that never comes and goes. It was with you during your birth and never, ever leaves your side. It is impossible to forget it, there is nothing about it to learn, and no one knows the ins and outs of this better than you.

This one thing is YOU.

Under all the experiences, under all the epiphanies, under all the endless note-taking, and seeking is You. When you clear away everything you have accumulated in this life, when you clear away all the beliefs, memories, and experiences that you think make up the sum of who you are in this moment, you will find You.

There is a permanence within You that you won’t find within anything else. I find that my childhood belief in the Soul and what I now understand as You, are very similar. The difference is that the Soul was separate from me, removed from me, not something I could see, feel or truly grasp, – and You, of course, is available for all those things. Youwelcome your interactions, your questions, and desires to know You better. You had to be taught by someone outside of you that there was such a thing as a God, a Soul, etc. And, hence, these things are beliefs – and as with any belief, they can come, go, and change form.

But no one had to teach you about You.

From the moment you were born – you were aware of yourself. You fell asleep with You, and You was the first thing there when you woke up. When you cried, You were the first one to respond. And if you were fortunate enough not to have other humans around reacting to your every emotion and whim – then you got the opportunity to know You on a very intimate level.

When you take the time to truly explore this fact of life - you will find a mind-blowing world where every answer to every question becomes simple and obvious. The need for a soul-mate and answers about death become irrelevant - simply because these things fall into the category of impermanent. (And yes, death itself is, also, another thing that comes and goes. But that is a blog for another time.)

You become unperturbable and unflappable in the face of the things and people that used to irritate you and rock your boat. Global wide events aren’t the chicken-little episode they once were. Things you once thought you would “just die” if you didn’t get or experience now move into the energy of “meh”.

In fact, you will find yourself wonderfully unshakeable because underneath it all, you know that this too shall pass. And yet, You remain.




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