Who is the real you?
Many teachings would have us think it is some invisible, all-powerful, all-knowing consciousness that resides “out there” somewhere in the center of it all. That’s the real you. And if you are very good and meditate for ten hours a day for 20 years—and behave like anything other than what comes instinctively—you might get a brief glimpse of the Real You.
This you is far away, hanging out somewhere other than here. It loves you, but you are on your own when you are on the floor rolling around in despair. It is mysteriously silent when you are praying for answers (unless you want to count that butterfly that just flitted by as some obtuse answer).
Or perhaps the Real You is yet another invisible, ghostly, immaterial self that hides within your current body only to rise and continue on to somewhere, upon this body’s demise. This “You” does nothing other than hang out. It doesn’t answer your questions. It won’t even help you fold the laundry. Its only contribution to this existence is to hitchhike.
And in the meantime, there is this physical, feel-it, see-it, taste-it, touch-it, hear-it, YOU that is always visible, who is happy to readily answer questions audibly. And when you’re down on the floor—she/he is down there with you. She/he has never left your side—not once. She/he hates your enemies with you and drools over crushes right alongside you. She/he fully supported you in that pyramid scheme and picks you up and forces you to continue on after you feel like a fool for falling for that, again. She/he hates tomatoes too and thinks pineapple on pizza is absolutely delectable, as well.
No one had to teach you about she/he. She/he is not better or wiser than you. And you will quickly find that you have no memory of she/he not existing right alongside you, always.
This you is a scientific wonder to behold. All her/his miracles are right there to be seen or experienced. Nothing is held away from you. So many aspects of this you function on their own without any expectations and intentions from you. You don’t have to meditate properly for your heart to beat. You don’t have to carry a high vibration for your ears to hear or your eyes to see. And you don’t have to interact with the higher level of some emotional scale in order for your lungs to function perfectly.
This version of you sits quietly as you desperately seek for the “real” you. This you has the answers you are looking for—but will pretend it doesn’t simply because: “we’ve decided to play small today”. It is more than happy to play whatever games you’ve chosen, and when you’re done with that game, it’s eager for the next.
Occam’s Razor states that “the simplest answer is most often the correct one.”
And you really can’t get any more obvious to the question of “Who am I?” than what is right in front of our noses. Literally.
And when it comes to you, the REAL you—don’t you think that the ONE THING in this reality that doesn’t need memory, teachings, faith, a middleman, or even belief to exist is the one thing that is deserving of all that focus and devotion you give to the invisible and gauzy?
She/He is right here and always will be. And when you’re ready to play in the truly extraordinary that doesn’t require any faith, or for you to wait, she/he has got your back there, too.
