One of the things I absolutely love is real communication with others who share my passion. If one of my blogs stops you in your tracks long enough to read it—tell me. Engage with me. Let me know what made you halt your day, what spoke to you, and how it affected you. What did it stir up?
When words—those powerful, magical little worlds—catch your attention, there is enormous significance in that. There is something in you—call it Source, Higher Self, God, or whatever—talking to you. Answering a prayer.
Think about it: what is a word, really? Just letters put together to create a sound and meaning. Somewhere, sometime in the distant past, a brilliant mind created a swirl of a line and decided this was a letter. Then, they made more. In that unlimited sandbox, a brilliant form of communication was born.
I called words “magical little worlds” because they are. A single word, much less an entire sentence, has the power to transport you somewhere else. It is actual time travel. Whether you’re reading or writing, words are a door you walk through, connecting you with other dimensions, fantastical beings, and alternate realities. They are the doorway to your Imagination, the source of all creation. And while you can say, “I didn’t really go anywhere.” are you sure? Because in the moment that your imagination opened up - all of you (your attention) was instantly transported somewhere else.
You want proof that magic exists? Here it is. The act of communication—whether spoken or written—is a force of gargantuan power. Words can literally stop someone in their tracks, pull them in, and leave them entranced. They can halt a chaotic crowd and freeze them in place, spellbound. They can inject life into the lifeless, color into a colorless world, and flip the light switch of hidden understanding. And they awaken senses far beyond the typical five.
If I asked you the difference between a tennis ball and a golf ball, without either being present, your inner senses would activate immediately. You can feel the fuzziness of the tennis ball versus the cold, hard shell of the golf ball. You sense the size and weight difference. Tennis balls even have a strong, distinct smell—you’re probably smelling it right now. If I told you to imagine the scent of a rose, you’d immediately experience that fragrance.
The amazing thing is that science still isn’t sure how you can smell, taste, hear, see, or feel things that aren’t physically present. On an MRI, those sensory centers in your brain light up as if the experience is real—but nothing external is there to cause it. So, where does this come from? Who knows, but words instantly give you access to doorways that go far beyond the conventional and the explainable.
