I was reading a blog where the author was skipping happily into the worrisome world of “Kids these days…” simply out of obligation because every generation before has done the same thing. And yet, the world hasn’t collapsed, mountains haven’t crumbled, and oceans haven’t dried up despite rock and roll, computers, pollution, and low-cut blouses.
In order to play the blame game - we must first create (manifest) things to blame. In order to play the worry game - we must first create things to be worried about. In order to play the “how to manifest” game - we must first manifest examples (thoughts, beliefs, memories) of things that we don’t instantly manifest. And you do this seamlessly and with supreme sneakiness.
But what happens when we see the game beyond the game?
What happens when we observe ourselves playing the games? Or observe ourselves observing ourselves? Whoa - watch out for that black hole.
Quick, backpedal.
Your mind is absolutely unlimited at its capacity to outsmart you, the God.
Why do I call you a God? Simple, do you have any memory of NOT existing?
Yeah, me neither.
And yet, our brain will instantly scramble with gusto to prove that, of course, there was a time you didn’t exist. After all, you were born, right? You’ve got pictures. You’ve got people that chat about it. You’ve got memories, You’ve got a birthday for crying out loud.
But what if you are manifesting all that, right now, in this instant, to simply support a state? The state of “I am merely human.” And in your mind, “human” is limited, weak, batted around by fate, fallible, imperfect, fragile, and is a victim of time.
But what if “human” is synonymous with God? Wait, what if Human is bigger than God? Think about it. What is your definition of God? Infinite, loving, merciful, just, holy, almighty, compassionate, sovereign, benevolent, righteous, perfect, gracious, immutable (unchanging), etc. And YOU have the capability to be (or at least imagine) all those things - AND MORE.
It’s that “AND MORE” that makes YOU bigger. God is a limited construct, something defined - nothing more than yet another word (letters put together that create a sound) with a definition behind it. But the minute you try to define yourself - you change. It’s like you have this inner teenage girl saying, “You’re not the boss of me.” And that instant shifty shifting is your brain outsmarting the true God.
If you were all-knowing and you wanted to experience ignorance you would first need to create distractions that can outperform, outthink, and outplay a GOD. And only something bigger than God can outrun God.
And so you created Human. The ultimate “squirrel!” state. And with this human comes a brain that can out-distract what is supposed to be an undistractable Being.
The minute you think you have the Answer to the Universe… Squirrel!
The minute you think you think you have the Technique to beat all techniques… Squirrel!
The minute you think this generation is smarter and better than any before and after… Squirrel!
The greatest attribute of this outsmarting brain is that there is no “off” switch. You’ve even manifested an illusion that you have moments (each night, the end of life) of turning “off”. But that is yet another distraction to stop you from seeing the man behind the curtain. Assumptions and conjectures are fabulous distractions.
Occam’s Razor can help here enormously. It states that the simplest answer (explanation, belief, solution) is the right one. Hence my question, “Do you have any memory of not existing?” Start there. And then let me know how many squirrels you can count.
