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People Pleasing Without Being A People Pleaser.

Writer: Kristen MF ClarkKristen MF Clark

One of the greatest gifts I gave to myself was choosing to blog, speak about, think about, and talk about what I would want to hear, read, see, etc.

It’s about not worrying what anyone else thinks and just entertaining me - and realizing that, through what feels like a very self-centered practice, miracles, ease, and freedom suddenly appear.

The greatest artists, writers, speakers, etc. are ALWAYS entertaining themselves first. That was how Michaelangelo was able to “see” his works of art within the marble - and then just removed everything that wasn’t his magnificent creations. He didn’t ask anyone for their opinion on this unusual technique becasue no one else could possibly have related or seen what he saw within the marble.

Do you think that when God created the earth, heavens, plants, etc., (just entertain this analogy/tale) that He was worried about what someone else would think about it? Rather silly, right?

There was no one else.

Read that last bold sentence again.

When we choose our own entertainment first - what thoughts do I want hear, what blog would I want to read, what stories would I want to be told, etc., and then create from that space - now we are giving the Youniverse very clear instructions because our feelings, mind, and whole self are all “vibrating” together (finally).

But if you’re torn about creating what makes you happy and what others would be entertained by - a jungle of discordance develops that becomes impossible to wade through. Even for a God like you. Hence, discordance is what shows up. This is what makes us say, “I don’t know.” This is where writers block comes from. This is where all the unpleasant aspects of your reality arise from. The worry of what others think. You begin to doubt yourself - and that has never been a State (I Am) that serves you.

Consider this - you automatically raise the sun at the perfect time in the morning. If you were worried about what time other’s would prefer, you would have to consider those people who like to get up extremely early, and then be concerned about those who would prefer to sleep in and wished it stayed darker longer. And then there’s all the other people and their preferences. Agh! It becomes an impossible people pleasing task! And that is why it is already the most perfect manifestation you have created - because it rises 1000% only for you and whatever state you are occupying in this moment.

When we completely let go of “trying to manifest”, which always takes on the impossible task of pleasing others - we allow our reality to do what it already does best. It creates 1000% based on YOU and your desires.

Enjoy having wants and dreams, knowing you and your reality are on it. (Creation, manifestation)

Just let go of the concern of any others existing (and judging) in your reality (People, Gods, Guides, etc.) And suddenly it’s just you and all this wondrous creation all around you - and through that simplicity it all naturally falls into place.

Just be You and what YOU love.




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