Oh look at that. I judged my judgments.
Am I fearing my fears? Yep.
Whoops, I’m 'wishing for' when I should be 'living in the end.'
Uh oh, I got angry when I thought I was all love and light. Silly me.
It’s funny how easy it is to fall into that trap—judging ourselves for having judgments, fears, or even fiery moments of anger. It’s like we catch ourselves doing one thing, then start piling on more critiques for not being 'perfect.' But really, all of it—every judgment, every fear, every spark of fire—is just a momentary stop along the journey.
It’s no different than choosing Tahiti over Iceland for a vacation. Neither trip is right or wrong—it’s just a totally different experience. The weather, the light, the culture, all of it changes the feel of the adventure. But no matter where you go, you always return 'home.' And home is you.
The real focus, on any leg of this journey called Life, is always you. You are the constant, and when you center yourself in that truth, everything else becomes part of the playground—a brief visit. The experiences and the lessons are just souvenirs you collect before moving on to the next part of the journey. When you stop fixating on the destination and focus on how you’re traveling through it, how you’re interacting with yourself along the way, everything gets richer, more expansive.
It’s in the twists and turns, the dragon fire and the quiet strength, that we uncover those deeper layers of ourselves. So, what’s uniquely amazing about where I am right now—my current experience, beliefs, feelings? Am I in self-awareness, or are the outside circumstances stealing my focus?
Remember—every single experience is just a brief stop for the infinite Being that is you. Love the journey, hate the journey—it doesn’t matter. Ultimately, none of it can make you less of the God that you are.
