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Never Settling For Anything But Magical!

Writer: Kristen MF ClarkKristen MF Clark

Many years ago I was renting a van for a group trip to the Grand Canyon. A month before my trip I had booked a specific type of van because of all its comfort amenities. The rental agency had assured me that getting that van would be no problem.

When the day arrived for me to go pick up the van, what was presented to me was a far cry from anything comfortable. It was dirty, old, and didn’t have any space for the group’s luggage. I immediately said, “Nope.” I explained to the young lady what was promised and that I wouldn’t accept anything less. She told me that this van was all she had and that I had no other choice.

Once again I simply said, “Nope.”

After several awkward minutes of us just standing there - she walked back to the office. I followed - not knowing what she was up to. But I just knew that there was no way the Youniverse was expecting me to use that piece of ___ .

The young lady was on the phone when I walked into the office and I waited patiently. When she got off the phone - she told me that a nearby agency had a better van. I thanked her for finding a better option for me and left to go to the other agency.

My mood wasn’t angry and my mood wasn’t indignant. I was more curious to see what the Youniverse was up to. Right at the edge of my mind was the availability of panic - we were supposed to leave in 2 hours for the 10 hour drive to the Canyon - but I refused to go there. I’ve been “here” before and I knew that what is on the other side of these kinds of experiences tends to be mind-blowing.

As I pulled up to the new agency - a nice young man met me in the parking lot. He knew who I was and immediately walked me to what ended up being the Cadillac of mini vans. It was plush, clean, spacious, extremely comfortable and with tons of luggage room (Nissan Quest). All the seats were swiveling captain-chairs with their own climate control and cup holders. It was beyond fancy and beyond what I had originally asked for.

I have MANY stories like this - where what showed up was NOT what I had wanted. And I could’ve settled (which I have done before, too) - or I could help the Youniverse out by simply refusing. I’m not talking about being defiant and this isn’t being obstinate. This is about being cooperative by simply NOT accepting this offer.

When we accept less than what we want - we are sending very confusing signals to ourselves. The Youniverse isn’t looking to give us “less than” because we didn’t vibrate or think right (that couldn’t be more preposterous)- it is just a reflection of how we treat ourselves. And if we notoriously put up with “less than” because we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, or we think this may be the best I’ll get, etc. - then that type of feeble behavior is going to yield feeble results.

Try to remember - there is ONLY YOU. Everyone else (and everyTHING else) are only puppets that take their cue on how to behave from YOU.

What if you went to a restaurant, ordered lobster and the waiter brought you chicken? What would you do?

Would you need a channeled Being to tell you what to do?

Would you need to pray or meditate about it?

Would you think, “I don’t know how to order properly so this is the best I’m going to get.”?

Of course not. How ridiculous!

You would simply say, “Nope, that’s not what I ordered.” And you would KNOW that the next time the waiter came out it would be with the lobster!

Expect nothing less than the best - even when “less than” shows up. It’s simply an echo of a time you accepted “less” and right on its heels is “better than best”!

Just be little patient and let that old echo go on by.




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