I was out hiking in the chaparral with dense cactus, woody plants, and shrubs on either side of my trail. As I came up over a rise - on the trail were two rattlesnakes doing the “Brown Chicken Brown Cow” dance. I had the smallest moment of thinking, “What do I do?” Which was absolutely silly because there was only one option.
Turn around and go the other way.
The interesting thing was that just moments before I saw these two - I had been daydreaming and distracted. But some subtle gut instinct pulled my attention to the trail not more than a few seconds before my snake interaction. And that same gut instinct was what answered my, “What do I do?” question with an eye-roll and very clear instruction to turn the flip around.
Life has all sorts of interactions like this where the smartest option (and the loudest gut-advice) is to simply turn around and walk away. But we love to play all these rationalizing games of, “What if I do this instead?” or “Maybe if I vibrate high enough…” or “Maybe if I love this situation enough I can change it.”
Where do you think all our airy-fairy, new-age, hocus-pocus teachings, and beliefs come from? If we would stop second-guessing our clear “just walk the fuck away” instincts we wouldn’t need some channeled angel or invisible spirit guides to tell us what we already know. But, I know, they deliver it with more fancy wording and longer winded sentences - so, there’s that.
And what happens when “they” do tell you the EXACT same thing your gut is telling you? Do you find yourself going and seeking some other book, ancient teachings, or invisible guide’s advice hoping to find someone to give you the okay to stubbornly stay on a path that clearly isn’t in your best interest?
Years ago, I was camping in the desert with my dog. The morning of our pending departure we woke up to dark, stormy, thundering clouds. Every instinct in me was LOUDLY telling me to pack up and skiddadle. But instead, I stubbornly claimed that the “Universe always has my back.” and decide to take my dog for a walk out in an environment that was quickly becoming life-threatening.
Couldn’t you just imagine my “guardian angel” dropping his/her face into their hands right at that moment? Even my dog, who is usually running way ahead of me on our walks, was reluctant to leave our camp site. But, regardless, I obstinately headed out and it wasn’t until lightening struck the ground a couple hundred yards directly out in front of us and the resulting immediate, deafening boom of thunder just about made me shit my pants, did I turn around and sprint for my car.
Within minutes, literally minutes, of both of us jumping into my car - a wall of hail and water deluged on top of us - causing flash flooding all around us and our car. Luckily, I had listened to my instincts enough to pack up my camping equipment and park the car up on a rise - before my idiot-decision to go for a walk.
The bottom line to all of this is stop serving good vibes to the things, people, and ideas that simply require a goodbye. Your internal guidance is always crystal clear and your walking away isn’t personal to anything other than you. It always serves YOU. (Truly - puppets can’t take anything personally unless you direct them to - but that is another blog.)
Existence/Life is about ease, growth, expansion, and knowing more and more of the bad-ass Creator you are. You may think your guidance is unclear but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The information and direction you are seeking is deafening if you would just listen. And if the path you’re on is no longer in your best interest, trust the screwing snakes that Life puts on the trail.
