“A home is the most intimate expression of how we live, laugh, create memories, and find tranquility.”
I’m currently sitting on the most comfortable couch, in the most sumptuous, luxurious, mountain home. For those that know me - I’m a bit obsessed with my fantasy of my “dream home”. I know the interior house’s colors (white and wood), the amenities (luxurious smart house), the bedroom set ups, the firmness of the beds, couches, and chairs, the breakfast booth/nook windows (three sides and floor to ceiling), the tiles, the decks, the outside landscaping and size of the surrounding land and what is there from tree types to flowers and bushes and lakes and more. Oh boy! I get excited just writing about it.
This dream has been in my head for years - and with as amazing a manifester as I am, you’d think it would be a taste it, touch it, see it, hear it, reality. Not that my current digs aren’t amazing and luxurious and stunningly beautiful - but I have my dream and I’m not willing to settle for “this is good enough”.
I keep pushing and I keep dreaming about it with a happy smile. I know it’s out there.
So, fast forward to the current wonder of where I am sitting and writing this - a breakfast nook with floor to ceiling windows on three sides looking out at pine tree splendor. In chairs that are the firmness and comfort of my dreams come true. This is an airbnb and I get to bask in all this luxury for the next 5 days. Ahhhhhh. And it dropped in my lap the minute I realized that my Future Self was my white knight who would save me.
My “dream home” that I hold so close to my heart - isn’t not just the house. The surrounding community, the neighbors, the wildlife, and even simple convenient services like electricity, WiFi, and road upkeep is all part of what I consider “home”. (It can expands into your business and employees but that is another blog.)
Residing somewhere that never feels like ”home” is more like a punishment than a gift. A place that you loathe residing in, resist going home to, and a community that you don’t want to show off to visitors? Ugh! No, thank you.
Your Future Self knows all this. It knows where you find your serenity, contemplation, and your greatest connection to your joy and power - and what you cringe from. Once you realize that it is your Future Self that is going to provide these things for you (instead of a partner, lottery win, or perfect job), now it all starts showing up and begins raining down with abundance. Soaking and saturating you as you say, “Oh, hell yes!”
CONNECT with your Future Self by asking yourself, “Would my Future Self reside here, work here, live with this person, enjoy this, say this, think that, etc.?” He/She also lives there. So, when you begin connecting with that aspect of you, you begin morphing into that person and her/his reality. Don’t be afraid to reach out to him/her and ask their opinion. This version of you knows you on an intimate level that nothing outside of you ever could.
Revel in the “Yes!”’s. Bask in them. And don’t be afraid of the “nope”s. They simply help you to adjust your standards. And then give them no more attention than that.
Every corner of your life should feel like you are collaborating with experts at every level. Like you just hired a professional interior decorator for you life! And that starts with recognizing that your Future Self is the CEO. Your Future Self is the soulmate you’ve been praying for. Your Future Self is the lottery win. Your Future Self is who’s going to save you.
Embody the Future Self that saves you - step into his/her shoes, view the world from her/his eyes, where she/he lives, think the thoughts that he/she thinks. Live as this person - and before you know it, you will reside in that reality.
Your Future Self is HOME.
Photo: taken by me off Drayton Island in Florida
