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Love, Health, Wealth, & Manifestations

Writer: Kristen MF ClarkKristen MF Clark

Think about who is “God”. (Source, All That Is, Allah, Etc.)

This isn’t about what you were taught or read in a bible. There is about an instinctual understanding of the enormity of “God”.

Does circumstance of this world affect God? If there is a flood, a pandemic, a fire, $0 in the bank, etc. Do you think God is wringing His hands going, “Oh no, what do we do? How do we fix this?”

Preposterous, right? Silly, right?

In your natural understanding of “God”, you can instinctively feel that “God” is outside of these things.


The shit going on in the world does not affect “God”.

Covid, pollution, assassination attempts, financial crashes, wars, etc.

God is so much bigger than those things that they fly by with no more effect than a cloud in the sky.

These things have always come and gone, come and gone, come and gone - for all of time.

God’s view is so much broader than the laser focused worry about one subject that is eventually going to give way to another.

Now put yourself into this mindset. Don’t try - just embody it.

Feel that calm confidence.

Nothing. Is. Bigger. Than. YOU.

No circumstances, no situations, no conditions, and no states.

When you really get this, really truly get that absolutely nothing even comes close to being as all encompassing as you, now you’re cooking with Crisco!

You begin to have no more patience for what is “old hat”.

You naturally don’t need high numbers in the bank to know that you are The. Richest. Person. Ever.

You don’t need a person outside of you to tell you that you are special, loved, and adored.

You don’t need proof that manifestation is a “thing” because you’re completely aware of the creation of your own infinite, mind-blowing existence.

This isn’t about creating “things”. All the little manifestation things such as money, cars, soul mates, iPhones, paychecks, and things like that - those things come and go like the weather.

When you know your God-state - you just don’t give a flip about all the mediocre chit that is going to pass on by sooner or later (like all the others have).

And when you do allow circumstances to interact with you - it’s to revel in delight at all your magnificence showing up to thrill and excite you.

When I’m in the billionaire mindset - it never has anything to do with numbers in the bank. It is an ease with interacting with my reality. It’s bigger than caring about numbers on a screen or print out.

There is still the enjoyment of desires and having desires - but, it’s about embodying and enjoying the State without needing anything in reality to validate or verify it. When we compartmentalize what being rich looks like, that isn’t the infinite level of Godhood.

Life is so much broader than just one thing.

When you’re looking at Love and saying, “Love must come to me through one person, one soul-mate, one twin-flame” - you’re missing that All-encompassing Love that comes from infinite directions, all the time. The puppy that just can’t get enough of you, the smell of a forest, the playfulness of a dolphin, that wonderful, cooling breeze on the hottest day, a kindness of a stranger - when you broaden your view, instead of pigeonholing love into one thing (which drastically limits your reality), - you realize just how adored and loved you already are and how present Love is at all times.

Beauty and agelessness - isn’t just about looks or feelings. The agelessness of a mountain or the ocean encompasses wisdom, infinite life-changing experiences, the wondrous interaction with time, being alive to see astonishing changes, mental and spiritual expansion, and an infinite number of wonders that encompasses existence.

Vibrant health isn’t just about being disease-free. It’s there within that rainbow or that sunrise that makes you and everyone around you stop and stare. Your healthy glow is within that shooting star or the warm sun coming out after weeks of cold and snow. Your ease of movement is within the effortlessness of your own infinite existence.

Manifestation - let’s stop pigeonholing this extraordinary, but also ordinary, process. Manifestation isn’t just about receiving a desire you don’t have in your hands, yet. Manifestation is the creation that goes on continuously whether you are paying attention or not. It is the smooth, guiding road rushing to you as you are driving. It is the waking up to a bed that is so comfortable that you are willing to suffer through a bulging bladder just to remain there one more minute. Manifestation is occurring around you with such efficiency and swiftness that it gives the illusion of normality. And it’s all happening just for YOU - and by you.

All these things are constantly coming to you! Swirling around you. Rushing to interact with YOU. If that isn’t soul-mate love, tycoon richness, blooming well-being, and God-level creation - then what the heck is?

Your enormity is right in front and all around you. Just smile and let the colossal YOU that is embedded in the entire world dancing all around you, blow you away.




Jul 18, 2024

Wow!!!! This post is PURE GOLD!!

Kristen MF Clark
Kristen MF Clark
Jul 19, 2024
Replying to

Thank you so much. Where are you writing from?

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