Simplify, simplify, simplify.
When you were little and not concerned about a thing, not even yourself - you had faith in something. Whether it was your parents, teachers, God, or whoever - you unconsciously knew everything was taken care of. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, boo-boos, questions, etc.
Without going into why that changed - connect back in with that mindset, that State. And fill in the “something” with the Youniverse.
The Youniverse always had your back.
The Youniverse always made sure there was someone there to supply your every want and desires (including many you didn’t even realized you needed).
Often, you’ve heard me say, “Aww, honey - that takes care of itself.” How wonderful is a reality where every worry and concern is rendered null because it is taken care of? Where your bliss is yours for the taking simply because your inner conversations reflect the surety that the Youniverse has got this and always had.
There is no need to worry about the 99.999999% of your reality that only exists within your assumptions. The Youniverse has got that, too. It’s taken care of how you’d like it to be. Just like when you were little.
The Youniverse brought this situation or that experience in and the Youniverse will take it out again.
You are taken care of. You always have been. The only thing you have to do now is adjust your assumptions to make this life a lot more fun.
The Youniverse never demanded that you vibrate a certain way in order to be taken care of.
The Youniverse has never punished you.
The Youniverse never needed “Laws”.
The Youniverse is with you 24/7, listening to every thought and delivering without judgement.
Now your mind may try to argue - but your mind can only use assumptions and thoughts. When you bring yourself back to THIS physical moment right now, where all your power resides - you get to easily manipulate those assumptions and then watch the Youniverse scramble over itself to deliver (take care of) exactly what you’ve deemed.
So, what are you deeming? What rules are you creating? What memories are you solidifying as true? What world are you manifesting? How much of your precious energy are you using on those things that are already being taken care of? What work are you taking on that is completely unnecessary?
Simplify. Life has NEVER asked you to assume (believe in) perpetual helplessness, limitedness, evil, frustrating, scary, or worrisome. You’ve played there and now you have an opinion of that State. Do you like it? Do you want to play there some more? If not, then don’t.
Decide you’re not available for any of that anymore and then let the Youniverse take care of the rest.
One last thing to entertain. What would happen to the very fabric of your reality if YOU chose how to react to life’s buffet? Do you channel chicken-little (panic) energy or calm confidence?
Imagine driving along with your favorite song on the radio and you are in bliss. Just happily be-bopping down the road, when you glance in your rear view mirror and there is a cop-car right behind you... 😳
Imagine hanging out in your living room, you’ve had a wonderful day, you just received a bonus check in the mail, and your favorite movie is on the TV. You glance up at the window and see the neighbor that you can’t stand walking by…
Everything is copacetic, so why the gut-tightening, hand-clenching, shallow breathing, “Oh sh*t.” responses to the buffet? Why allow outside influences to have that kind of power over you? And if it’s just an unconscious reflex, do you want to continue to go about life this unintentional? Or are you ready to step up to the driver’s seat? Are you ready to start writing (imagining) the reality you want?
Ok. Start with all those inner conversations you are having with yourself (that’s the Youniverse, by the way), the assumptions, and the constant running commentary about your reality. Change that commentary - whether out loud or inside. Notice that what you are saying and what you are seeing.
Talk about your life, your world, your community, your government, your family, your memories, your achievements, your health, your love life, your everything from your ideal. Not from “it’s going to eventually happen” - but from “it already HAS”.
Leave no stone unturned. But only talk about these things as they arise - no need to spend extra time worrying about any of these subjects and hunting them down. If you live your life from the confident State of “that’s already taken care of.” - then THAT is exactly what you will see.
