Changing the channel on your TV or radio isn’t complicated. You decide this channel isn’t for you, you push a button, and poof. Easy peasy. Immediate shift. That last channel is completely gone off into the void to wherever channels you’re not watching go to.
You don’t lament that last channel.
You don’t fret over it.
You don’t worry that it is suddenly going to pop up, in the middle of your current show, of its own volition and force you to watch it.
You don’t need to discuss it with a therapist or your best friend.
You don’t need to read a book about how to change the channel.
You don’t need some invisible Being to tell you how to change the channel 1500 different ways.
There wasn’t Step 1, Step 2, Step 3…
You didn’t need intentions. You didn’t need to meditate. And you sure as hell didn’t need to worry about your vibrations.
Your life is no different. You know what you want and you know what you don’t want. Period. When you are watching (viewing) your life and it isn’t the absolute best reality show out there - then what the heck are you doing? Doesn’t that just feel like an absolute waste of time - like sitting there watching some TV show you hate. You wouldn’t do that.
Decide, right now, your life is so exciting, so entertaining, and so positively wonderful that you leap out of bed every morning just to see how extraordinary today’s episode is going to be!
Revise that your whole life has been this fun and this fantastic.
Open your front door each morning with the absolute KNOWING that you are going to be delighted. Feel that delight.
Imagine that delight.
Embody, “oh, boy!”
Embody, “Wow”.
It’s not complicated - it truly is simple, easy, and fun.
Say it with me;
So, decide now - and accept nothing less than magic, delights, giggles, and WOW’s!
YOU are the Operant Power of this reality. (Read that again.)
YOU and only you decide what you are watching.
There is no lag time when you change the channel on the TV - and there is no lag time when you change the channel on your life.
This is your new inner conversation. There is no “yeah, but’s”, there’s no long-winded explanations or examples of past difficulties, and there’s no “world” out there having this problem or that problem (those are past channels that are off into the void), and there’s no problems to fix.
There is only you with wonderful memories of infinite simple, easy, and fun.
There is only this current life of constant simple, easy, and fun.
Be bold, be the dragon. Geeeeze.
Of course, this is my license plate - along with all the bug splatter of an adventurous and delightful life!
