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How To Raise The Sun. Step 1…

Writer: Kristen MF ClarkKristen MF Clark

Why would I try to breathe if I’m already breathing?

Why would I try to raise the sun if it’s already up?

Why would I try to beat my heart if it’s already beating?

To “manifest” is to say you don’t have it yet. And that is a state (I am). “I am manifesting my dream job.” “I am manifesting the love of my life.” These are states or realities. And states don’t change. You must stop playing in one state and move into another by getting up and going there. (Mentally or physically.)

There is a world of difference between, “I am trying to manifest a winning lottery ticket.” And “I manifested the winning lottery ticket.” Literally.

Let’s say you are out in your garden working and in two hours you will go pick up your son from school. You are currently in the state of Gardener. When it comes time to shift states from Gardner to Parent - you don’t consult a channeled being on how to do this. You don’t meditate on it. You don’t play with Laws or step one, step two, step three. You get your ass up, get in your car, and go get your kid. Poof. State shifted.

Life and the things you want are no different. You want to lose weight? You want to find love? You want to be richer. Then you have to stop playing as the person who isn’t that. Stop talking as that person and stop thinking as that person. Stop interacting with the reality that isn’t that. Simple.

Can it really be that easy? Look around. You do it all the time, all day long. In order to “manifest”, you shift states (your “I am…”) and what you want automatically comes with the state.

You get out of bed (I am the sleeper), go to the kitchen (I am the mover), get yourself a cup of coffee (I am the coffee drinker), get breakfast going for the family (I am the parent and cook) and eventually go to work (I am the employee, boss, etc.).

With every “I am” you express, often without even realizing it, possessions—including people, memories, feelings, beliefs, and objects—naturally manifest into your experience or wink out of that current existence.

THAT’S manifestation. There’s no trying. You don’t need to think about it. There’s nothing to think about anyway. You either want things to remain as they are (sit there gardening), or you don’t (get up and get in your car).

Life never demands that you engage with obscurity, invisibility, vagueness, or desperation—those are always choices. At any moment, you have the power to choose, believe, feel, and think differently than you are right now, reshaping and restating your "I Am." While you’re certainly capable of navigating uncertainty, it's far more enjoyable to take control and declare, "I am confident, bold, and decisive."

As I am writing this - we (San Bernardino, Ca.) have a brush fire burning about 20 miles from my current location. While there is nothing I can do about that, I have every control of my inner imaginings and conversations, how I act, feel, and what energy I bring into this now moment.

Imagine the fire getting worse and evacuations? Or imagine what I’d be doing if it was raining.

This isn’t about denying reality. It’s about who do I want to hang out with? What energy do I want to gift myself with? Chicken Little? Operant Power? Bad-Ass Goddess? And instead of worrying about what I can’t control (anything beyond this current moment), just focus on what I can. Me, myself, and I.

My love, accessing your magic has never, ever been harder than that. There is only one thing in this moment you CAN control. You and how you feel. Esther/Abraham Hicks loves to say, “You can be standing in the middle of a war-zone and be happy.”

You never have to be panicked, depressed, confused, or overwhelmed. Life has neverdemanded that of you. Turn on your tunes, put your earbuds in, and shake that tail feather. (Or all of them.)

Never mind the ridiculous world of “how to manifest” - you are already a pro at that. Just like you’re a pro at breathing (no one had to show you how to breathe when you were born).

Be bold, baby cakes. Just BE that person.


Photo credit - me! Fires make for the most gorgeous sunsets.



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