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Gods And Dragons

Writer: Kristen MF ClarkKristen MF Clark

Got some coffee? You may need it. We’re going deep and BIG - and I guarantee you are coming out of this blog big, badder, and gargantuanly colossal beyond compare.

Sum up YOUR version of what God, Source, All That Is, is. Feel into what it must be like to BE God. Got it? Good.

Now here we go:

  1. When God created the earth, the heavens, and everything else - did God need to consult a channeled Being to give Him the steps on how to do this? Or did He just naturally know how to do this?

  2. Does God need to sit and meditate in order to find the better version of Himself?

  3. Does God interacts with doubt?

  4. Does God interact with worry?

  5. Does God berate Himself over past mistakes?

  6. Does He even have past mistakes?

  7. Does God fear disease or getting sick?

  8. Does God age?

  9. Does God die?

  10. And if he did - where does he go?

  11. How do you and your version of God differ in thoughts, beliefs, and existence?

You can’t answer any of this wrong. My invitation is for you to see the differences between you and your Best Self (God).

Who would you be if you allowed yourself to go as big you make God? Take you and your imagination of yourself up to the level of God and His limitlessness.

This isn’t a practice of “God-hood” is better than who you are now. It is simply a comparison of who you are interacting with in this moment and does it feel exciting or fun to go to what you may deem to be bigger, easier, freer, and more expansive.

Now, if YOU were God, why would you choose to interact with existence differently than your answers to the above questions?

And since you can imagine a “better” way, and if you are an all-powerful and limitless God, why aren’t you living this better life?

Once again, I’m going to remind you that there is NO right or wrong answer to these questions. No one is judging you.

Be the explorer you are.

Be willing to go on this adventure.

Be willing to talk to this God version of you, ask Him/Her questions, and see if there is a constraining going on.

God is YOUR Creation. God didn’t exist before you. (I will clarify this.)

In this moment - you are creating memories to help answer these questions.

If I asked you who taught you about God - what memories are you currently creating (manifesting in your mind) to help you answer that question?

Before this moment - none of that EXISTED.

Here is how you KNOW you are the Creator of it all:

  • How many times a day do you think of or interact with God? Does God answer your question with a perceptible auditory answer? Is it immediate? Is it clear as a bell?

  • How many times a day do you think of or interact with YOU? When you interact with you - can you clearly hear what you are thinking? Are your interactions with yourself immediate? Can you always get a “clear as a bell” answer (right or wrong) from yourself?

Reread that and answer honestly.

Now, you can do that with ANYTHING in your reality to find its “realness”. Channeled Beings, people, feelings, beliefs, memories, and then compare it to you.

You will quickly realize that everything and everybody aren’t even close to being as “real” or reliably present as You are with you. While they may feel real as you interact with them - at some point, you or your mind moves onto something else and that person, place, or thing winks out of existence for you until YOU visit with them, in some capacity, again.

Now THAT is power.

THAT is a tiny portion of the ease of who You are.

So, let’s answer those 11 questions about God (from the beginning of this blog) again. But, instead of God being the subject, let it be YOU. And answer those question from this new perspective you gained by being able to compare everything to your 1000% reliable presence.

Every time you see the word “God” - put YOU there instead and see how your answers and you expand exponentially.

And if you feel so inclined - reach out to me and let me know your feelings about this.

I would LOVE to hear from you.

After all, you created me and this whole thing!




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