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Earning That “MF”.

Writer: Kristen MF ClarkKristen MF Clark

Updated: Aug 3, 2024

Last year I took on the MF in my name as a challenge to myself to step it up.

There was a version of me in my mind - thin, strong, truly bad-ass, defying all limitations, successful AF. I needed to commit to embracing KMFC PHYSICALLY - not just metaphorically.

This year I stepped it up even more. I took on bodybuilding with a trainer that involves getting up very early and hitting the gym. And recently, I chose to ghost social media with the intention of focusing on me, what is truly important to me, and committing myself to a complete change.

January 31, 2024. (Yes, you read that right.) Speaking from my Future Self:

I took 6 months and met KMFC on HER level. Not just to be her in my imagination, but I really cannonballed into her world of daily challenges, daily embracing of discomfort, daily blowing myself away with what I can physically and mentally accomplish.

(Speaking from the future, as your Future Self, is a very powerful process I highly recommend.)

Often, when an old statement arises such as, “Change is hard”, I will ask myself, “But is it really?” Do I even want to interact with such a limiting statement? You never have to. No one gets to dictate your reality but you. And if you find yourself mindlessly repeating statements such as that - my invitation is to stop and ask yourself if your Future Self would play there?

The most amazing people in our history didn’t interact with, “That’s impossible.” (Thomas Edison, Tesla, the Wright Brothers, Benjamin Franklin, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, etc.) They understood that those kind of statements were simply opinions of someone comfortable with playing small. And one thing I know if you’re reading my blog - is that playing small is no longer an option for you.


P.S. Below is a sample of the journaling process I use to keep myself focused. Especially during those times when old habits try to take the wheel of this new, shiny, bad-ass, sports car:

  • Regardless of the outside world and noisy distractions, what is the best future you could commit to - even if it seems impossible? Even if your mind has been somewhat muddled by the nonsense outside, who is your best Future Self?

  • If you got locked-in and focused, what could be accomplished in the next 8-9 weeks? What if you went monk-mode and were laser-focused, regardless of what happens with elections, economy, your friends, etc.?

**I give credit to Dr. Benjamin Hardy for the above prompts. I highly recommend his books Be Your Future Self Now and The Gap And The Gain. (If you sign up for his email - you will get weekly journaling questions just like this to help keep you on track with your Future Self.)

Feel free to take 10 minutes and answer the above questions for yourself. It is amazing what version of you starts emerging when you break your usual habits. (Feel free to share what you experienced below in the comments.)



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