"Is it better to be feared or respected? Is it too much to ask for both?" – Tony Stark
We often create the very things we dread—whether it's being fat, weak, poor, or alone. The more we resist them, the more they persist. Bolting the doors and locking the windows against imagined boogeymen only deepens our fear that they’ll find a way in. When you focus on blocking or defeating something, you unwittingly give life to it, manifesting the very thing you fear through your attention.
The solution isn’t to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend the problem doesn’t exist. Instead, stand tall, confident, and deliberate about what is worthy of your focus.
"Empires toppled by enemies can rise again. But one that crumbles from within? That’s dead."
Consider that the phrase "Divided we fall" isn’t about others—it’s about you. It’s about stopping the internal battles, silencing the petty inner commentaries, and speaking with the authority and clarity of the God you are.
You weren’t meant to pick yourself apart or endlessly categorize your emotions and feelings. What a waste of time. You are here to walk confidently into life, focusing your energy on raising your reality to the colossal level of You.
There are experiences, beliefs, and things in your life that are deserving of your attention—and then there are those that are not. You can feel the difference. You can feel the wastefulness, the smallness, and the lack of value in them. Focus only on what uplifts, expands, and aligns with your highest self. Be so solid in your convictions that circumstances don’t stand a chance.
You can feel the power within the statement, “You are here to walk confidently into life.” You can feel an invisible force pulling you up, straightening your shoulders, and ushering strength, surety, and boldness.
Would God waste His time on the trivial? Would He get caught up in the petty distractions of fear and doubt? No. He would create worlds. And that is You. You are God - what world are you busy creating?
This is your moment to craft the most extraordinary reality imaginable. You’re here to build wonders, choose delights, claim success, richness, and abundance. When you’re busy creating greatness, fear and smallness don’t stand a chance.
It’s not about pretending the opposite doesn’t exist—it’s about being so engaged with what deserves your focus that the rest fades away, powerless.
