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Can The Meek Handle Inheriting This Earth?

Writer: Kristen MF ClarkKristen MF Clark

Neville Goddard’s interpretation of "the meek shall inherit the earth" differs from the traditional religious view. In his teachings, meekness is not about being submissive or passive. Instead, he describes the "meek" as those who are inwardly disciplined in their imagination and who remain unaffected by outer circumstances. According to Goddard, the meek are individuals who control their internal world—their thoughts, feelings, and imagination—and, through this control, are able to manifest their desires in the external world.

For Goddard, the earth is symbolic of the physical world or reality, and "inheriting the earth" means gaining control over one’s circumstances by mastering the inner world of imagination. Those who understand and practice this law of consciousness (the Law of Assumption) will inherit the earth because they are creating their reality through deliberate imagining, rather than reacting passively to external events and circumstances.

But can we allow ourselves to be this “meek”, this enormous, this all-trusting? Can we be so solid in our convictions that circumstances fade away, powerless?

Perhaps this is where the passivity of the traditional interpretation of meek actually steps in. Some synonyms for meek are patient, unresisting, and peaceful. To apply the solidity of these three words to your thoughts, your reactions, and your confidence within your own creative abilities - is to step beyond the world of worry and fear.

When you get out of bed in the morning and walk to the bathroom - at no point are you asking, “Am I doing this right?” In fact, in those moments you aren’t even considering that your bed, your ability to walk on two healthy legs, and your bathroom are “creations” (manifestations). You’re not thinking about “how”, you’re not moving through step 1, step 2…, and you most definitely aren’t even thinking about an emotional scale or calibrations. Wouldn’t it be glorious to be that sure of yourself when it comes to creating your reality, your world?

You have goals, you have desires - and it’s these destinations where creation comes from, bottom line. Your desire may be just to go to bed. And within the entire action of going to bed is You. You know where your bed is and you know the routine you go through before you climb in. Maybe you’re in a bad mood, maybe you’re in a wonderful mood - does it matter? Will the manifestation of your bed disappear if you’re not in the perfect positive mood? Silly, right?

So what world are you inheriting? One where struggle, strife, and uncertainty abounds? You don’t have to. If you can imagine being patient and peaceful, in other words, sure with your ease in creating your biggest desires and wants (that job, that money, that love, that vibrant health) - then the resistant thoughts that create angst naturally vanish. The idea that anything as minuscule as a mood or feeling could halt the creation of a God (yes, you are that ultimate power) becomes preposterous. Not even worth a passing glance.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, can make you less of a God. Every experience, thought, and imagining only expands you further. Start there. And the next time you walk out that door into the world you have inherited, do it not just as an observer but as the Creator—fully realizing the sun, the wind, and even the shooting stars are your handiwork. Everything you experience is part of what you’ve called into existence. Own it. And then see what arises from that knowing.




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