I went into our local grocery store (small community) and was shocked with a complete revamping going on. The butcher area that always had fresh meat was now beer and wine. The cute deli that always had fresh breakfast burritos, delicious paninis, fresh made side dishes, and homemade donuts was gone and the shelves were all empty. My first response was, “Nooooo.” I took the whole thing so personally. While I didn’t say anything outwardly - inside I was frustrated and even a bit outraged.
Just when I thought I was beyond the game of playing victim (blaming others for my feelings and problems) here I was again, back at allowing others to have an effect on my mind. At first, this “victimization” was silly and I quickly chose to take my power back. But then, I looked around and realized, I have the opportunity to be in the biggest version of blame I’ve ever played. And maybe, this time, it wouldn’t be such a bad thing.
In order to play the victim - you must have something to blame anything on. The weather, that slow car that just pulled out in front of you, your lumpy mattress, menopause, the company that stopped making your favorite running shoe, your genetics, TV, the government, sugar, carbs, or the squirrel that ate your favorite geranium.
In order to play the victim - you must have someone to blame anything on. Your neighbor, the president, your partner, or even if it’s you. Especially if it’s you. Your hair type, your genetics, your addictions, your vibrations, your moods, your weight, your emotions, your habits, etc.
Bottom line - in order to play the victim you need to play the blame game. And how many people, things, and experiences do we hold within blame? I think the better question is - is there anything that isn’t within the blame game?
As I began to deeply examine interacting with reality - I realized that to simply think of something outside or inside of me, involves blame on some level. In fact, can you think of anything that doesn’t involve a responsibility of causing you to feel, think, or experience something?
Did I just stumble onto an aspect of Creating? Isn’t this of how we experience life? And if I must be held hostage within this “victim” game - how about being a victim of good, great, wonderful, awesome, miraculous, extraordinary, and mind-blowing?
Blame can go both ways. I can blame a soft snow-fall for making me feel wonderful. I can blame my current job for all the fabulous abundance in my life. I can blame babies for making me feel awe! I can blame money for being so fun to play with. I can blame that flitting butterfly for lifting my mood. I can blame my bed for being way too comfy. I can blame my cell phone for making my life easier. I can blame my reality for being just so captivating and fascinating.
As with all things in life - how we look at it and how we play the game is the foundation of our reality. You never have to play the game according to someone else’s rules or definitions. And that’s just hugely empowering.
So, I invite all of us to walk around today stating all the delightful things you are a “victim” of. “I am a victim of smooth, well-maintained roads.”, “I am a victim of joyful feelings.”, “I’m a victim of a loving family and friends.”, etc.
And then, see how quickly your reality comes out to play with that fun, bold, new version of you.
