All around the world - 99.9% of the languages are the same.
Roosters crow in the same language, dogs bark the same, mice behave the same way, cows moo, plants grow, and the wind blows.
The sun rises and sets the same, clouds form and dissipate the same, and the same air circulates around this globe.
And anywhere you go - people and their imaginations form dreams, a smile is a smile no matter the national, and hard laughter, in any language, is contagious. Babies cry, caffeine stimulates, tummies rumble with hunger regardless of skin color, and tears are made of the same ingredients no matter where you live.
The earth doesn’t interact in separation and She sure as heck doesn’t play in borders or walls.
She is laughing at your hesitation - can you hear her? This is your home, for crying out loud. Sheltering and safe. People warn you of monsters under the bed, but when you look you only find dust bunnies with wiggly noses, silly floppy ears, and poofy tails.
Isn’t it wonderful? This is your earth. Your planet. It is calling you to come explore its corners, its nooks, and crannies. Come wonder at the histories, come tastes its many flavors, and see Her many colors.
“Welcome home!”, She excitedly says with arms open wide. She’s dying to hear your stories of adventure. And when your eyelids get heavy, She will tuck you into bed with a kiss on your cheek and a loving pat on your head.
“Sweet dreams, my child.”
