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True Happiness

Writer: Kristen MF ClarkKristen MF Clark

Updated: Aug 16, 2024

Ice cream, brownies, gummies - these all bring out a level of happiness that I have grown very comfortable with. I know this happiness. I can call it up easily and effortlessly. And when I indulge in these partners of joy - my serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins zip in to join the party.

Unfortunately, this happiness comes with a price to my waist size, health, and well being. So, I begin with the diets and restrictions, yet again. And my feel-good friends can’t come along. But they don’t go without a fight. They tell me I’m doomed to being unhappy and that no one will stimulate my happy-hormones like they can - and that true joy doesn’t exist without them.

Ignoring their commentary, I put my fingers in my ears and suffer through the misery of eating “unhappy” foods. My happy-hormones are pouting in the corner and I feel like this ickiness will be my lot in life if I want to be slender, thin, and healthy.

But, lo and behold, what is this? This new, delicious, gorgeous character just walked in and introduced himself as Self-Esteem. And right behind him is his yummy buddy, Self-Respect! Suddenly, my happy-hormones sit up and take notice.

My joy comes rushing back in - not in the old settling way that sweets brought in, but in a new, super-powered way that is injected with pride, dignity, and confidence. This isn’t that fat lady’s happiness that comes with guilt and self-deprecation. This is bad-ass, strong, successful, and one-of-a-kind happiness!  Oh, I like this happiness. It feels genuine. It feels real! It feels like what happiness should truly feel like.

And suddenly a whole new world of healthy, feeling amazing, and surety joins this journey. I like these new super-powered friends! And if I had known that shifting to this level of happiness was this empowering and this wonderful I would’ve done it ages ago.

Welcome to a whole new level of happiness!




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