A wonderful friend reached out to me last night asking, “How do you do what you do?”
“What do I do?” I asked.
She proceeded to elaborate about physical frustrations she was interacting with and her very large desire to “fix” this.
As she was talking, my first instinct was to say, “Stop talking about it.” And while I laid out the gist of that statement, but with more detailed explanation, that really is the simple bottom line.
Stop telling that story.
Stop having inner-conversations about that story.
Give yourself new memories.
Give yourself a whole new state of being, state of mind around that area of your life.
Now all that above comes from Kristen.
But hold onto your hats because, this morning, as I was getting ready to hit the gym and I was thinking about my friend’s and my own questions, Kristen Mother Fucking Clark stepped in with her dragon-energy and while her advice to me was the same as the above - it came in hot. And this is what she had to say:
“Stop getting so comfortable with the ground-hog day mentality. Same story, same excuses, same ol’ same, day after day. Invite the God you are, to challenge your perception of reality. Invite the God you are to make you uncomfortable. Scary? Damn right it is - not because discomfort scares you - but because that trepidation you are feeling is your desire to stay small, your comfort zone feeling threatened.
Good. It’s time you stop pretending that discomfort scares you and it’s time to remember that you created discomfort.
How mf-ing big can you go?
Stop playing with the “death” excuse.
Stop playing with the “age” excuses.
Stop playing with every limiting excuse and start being the INFINITE bad-ass creator you are.
Stop pointing to the world outside of you with all its weak-ass circumstantial rationalizations and justifications!
Roll your eyes at those that say “Happy and Joy” are what you should be shooting for or that love is the foundation of everything.
Love isn’t the mf-ing foundation - YOU are the foundation!! YOU created love. YOU, with all your many, many sides and flavors. And that includes anger, hate, irritation, and gut-wrenching sadness. And not one of them is more important than the other.
Did love raise the sun this morning? No.
Did that manifestation guru put that shooting star in the sky at the perfect moment?
NO! YOU did. And a lot of it you did depressed or pissed. And you still did it.
Happy, joy, and love are all wonderful - but they aren’t robust enough to withstand the other half of the coin. They can’t stand up to discomfort, fear and suffering. You can be in the most ecstatic level of being and fall into an ice-cold lake and I guarantee your emotion is going to immediately change - no matter how proficient you are at calibration or vibrations. But regardless, you experienced the whole shebang and still came out as YOU.
This is life! This is existence.
So, what is robust enough to stand up to Life?
YOU, Mother Fucker!
YOU have withstood every trial, scrapped knee, down-in-the-dirt-and-digging-to-go-lower episodes in your life - and YOU have come back. You’ve fallen 1000 times and have gotten back up EACH. AND. EVERY. TIME. Not because you thought about it, not because you were vibrating particularly powerful that day, not because the moon was in Libra, and not because of any other b.s. methodology with a fancy New Age name. But because YOU are it ALL - every aspect of this existence and you get to draw on that bad-ass at any time.
Manifestation isn’t bigger than you.
Love isn’t bigger than you.
Vibrant health isn’t bigger than you.
That overwhelming love you have for your newborn baby isn’t bigger than you!
Puppies, rainbows, and kittens aren’t bigger than you.
Governments, geniuses, and trillionaires aren’t bigger than you.
Nothing stands up to you.
You are courage, you are fear, you are joy, you are depression, you are self respect, you are self deprecating, you are happy and you are pissed.
And because you are it ALL - you are naturally a BOLD MF.
And that version of you is a whole different ball game than the one where we are seeking enlightenment, spiritual guidance, and awakenings through an outside source who isn’t anywhere near as big and courageous as you.
This bold AF bad-ass (you) NATURALLY presses on, and always has, despite adversity, difficulty, and uncertainty. Most of the time without even thinking about it.
And now I invite you to remember this version of you. Remember who you were before feel-good “Laws” told you who you should be, how you should be vibrating, and how to think in order to access your magic. (As if it wasn’t as natural as breathing.)
Like I said above - did that MF raise the sun? No, YOU did.
You created them!
What is enslaving you?
What is controlling you and your thoughts?
Cancer, destitution, fear, the so-called down-trodden and suffering? None of that is real. None of that is constant.
Nothing is going to change until you get sick and tired of your comfort zone.
Don’t be afraid of saying, “Nope. I’m not available for that. I’m NOT repeating this one more day of my life.”
YOU make the rules!
You are steady, regular and constant - they (input anything as “they) are not.
But you already knew all that.
