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A Look At Kristen's Books
"No matter where your pain originates from - physical, mental or emotional - Kristen will completely change the way you interact with your thoughts and feelings, leading to an empowered life you have only dreamed of." ~ J. Law
3. 2, 1

3, 2, 1 No More Pain
Open this book only if you are ready to release your pain and all it means to you. The 3, 2, 1 is a ground-breaking technique that has changed the lives of many people who were willing to step into an aspect of themselves they’ve only dreamed of but were, perhaps, a bit scared of.
To discover this part of yourself is to uncover and begin a relationship with a whole new level of confidence, freedom, and ease that has been within you all along.
"Nothing but love and powerful evolution!"
"You can palpably feel your connection to your Inner Being, Source, God, Soul, etc, as you read."
"Simple, Easy & Fun."
"If you are looking for a book that takes you to a whole other level of wisdom, empowerment, and omniscience - look no further."
Living From The Gush
A surprise windfall of money. Landing your dream job. The birth of your first child. Falling in love. What was the last experience or idea that had you so excited, delighted and exuberant that you couldn't help but gush about it to anyone who would listen?
What if every day was gush-worthy? What if you could move from living in worry, fear, and insecurity to a life so full of exciting experiences that being in a state of constant gush becomes your new norm?
​Join Kristen in a thrilling and exhilarating journey into your innate ability to influence the energies around you for a life of fun, joy, ease and wonder - simply by Living From The Gush.
"Wonderfully upbeat and completely empowering."
"The most perfectly timed book for a worn and weary world."

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